You were not being put out and you were excited to go. You needed a change and thought Courtney’s or Texas would be good. You just got mad when I told Marcie the truth. That’s all water under the bridge now. You have the right to be mad and write it say whatever you want but you also have to remember consequences come with that and more than once you’ve had to reach out to the very people you’ve written mean things about. You were warned about burning bridges but apparently you think that can’t happen with your family because we love you. You keep telling us it’s your brain damage but the truth is the brain injury affected your memory, your sleep and your interest in doing things and also brought on episodes of depression. It didn’t make you insane! Now you act like you’re insane. For the love of gods pull yourself together before you torch your last bridge and have no one to even reach out to. Sometimes even family has their limit and can’t take anymore. You might not want peace but the rest of us do. I don’t believe you’ll be happy no matter where you are so there’s a really good project for to work on. Try to learn to be happy
David, why do you insist on writing like this. I put up with your insults for almost 6 months but have still tried to be helpful to you. I got all your winter clothes together for Kirsten ( who you call a fence sitter) to bring to you. How can you expect anyone in this family to want to live in the same house with you? You’ve called us Stygian witches, slutty ass and told outright lies. You have stated you feel entitled to your angry outbursts and insults because your brain damaged and even though your “medicine” contributes to your rage you don’t care because it makes you feel good. Then please just feel good and stop the meanness. We all want to be able to assist you to some degree when you need it but when you get like this it’s hard. You left here of your own accord then you left Borger of your own accord and from day one you’ve been angry because you left and things got worse. You thought going to courtney’s would be great but it got even worse. That’s why you’re where you are now. No I can’t live under the same roof with you and I’m happy you have a good place to live now. How you live is up to you. Paige isn’t the reason you can’t come back here. If you had just left from here without pitching that unnecessary fit and then left Andy’s peacefully you would have this whole family on your side. Even when you left here after screaming FU to me we all were working to get you safely to Texas. You have consistently torn down the relationships with you. Paige has done nothing but respond in kind to things you write but she is the one who sent you the chair and she’s the one who got the bag and some of the clothes for Byron. Please try to be grateful for some of the things you have. Look around. Would you be better off if you had Byron, Richard or Jeff’s life? At least you have family that has tried to help while you were being peaceful. Why do you want to mess that up?
Surviving a TBI survivor is difficult. I have been trying and was essentially admonished for giving thanks to the likes of Kirsten and Mitch. I was admonished for giving thanks! When one has a condition that can create unneeded anger in him that would not be the way to play him. I will write what I write, as any person will say what he says. Brain damaged people say and write some fucked up things, especially if they are grasping towards those things in hopes that those things could show him a way to operate better. I do not believe that I ever told an outright lie at all in here, but I recall the subject coming up in a way that made me sore. I believe you know this. For what it's worth; I did feel like I was being put out about the time I went to Courtney's. You argued later that I was not being put out. I did sincerely feel that way at least, so I would think the signs of an extreme move by me would have been visible to anyone paying enough attention. However much enough is, is what it would have taken.
You’re being dishonest. No one admonished you for thanking anyone. What I did was point out that you care far more about your precious words than you do about repairing relationships, as you claimed to have tried to do.
WRT you thanking me, I didn’t ask for anything. I advised you that you should not splice wires using electrical tape, because 1) lithium ion batteries are very dangerous when angered 2) your bike has a 1200 watt motor which could mean a fire or a dead very expensive hub motor if you taped the wires together and 3) it's never ok to tape wires together.
The following morning you called me to tell me you sent a picture. I looked and it wasn’t showing the relevant issue other than the one broken red wire and a black wire of which I couldn’t tell the condition. Oh, and also the fact that you completely wrecked your battery's handle end. When I asked you if there was a connector on the opposite end of the battery, you, without hesitation, said no. I gave you advice, and explained to you that I was expecting a call for an appointment, gave the best advice I could given the circumstances, and then we ended the call.
While waiting for my appointment, I went on the internet and found your battery for sale at two places, though one was out of stock. I also spent a lot of time searching Aliexpress. I then spent a couple of hours searching for information and watching videos by owners of that particular bike and similar models until I found one that showed the opposite end of the battery. And you’ll never guess what was there. The connector that you point blank said did not exist because you apparently couldn’t be bothered to look.
Despite the fact that you couldn’t be assed to help me help you, I called you that evening after I was done with my truck repairs and told you I would drive down there with my tools and try to fix your battery, since I was at that point certain that the wire or wires which you had broken were related only to charging the bike and therefore would not carry particularly high current. You said you were going to BatteriesPlus so I agreed to wait and see how that went, and I told you that if they could repair the wires then it should be possible to install the broken battery safely, so long as you didn’t try removing it again.
The following day, you called me from BatteriesPlus because they wouldn’t attempt the repair and they couldn’t find the battery. I told you or they heard on speaker, I’m not sure which, the model to search and the phrase to Google to find the battery, which they appeared to do. I assume they found it using their computer, and it sounded to me over the phone as if you were trying to enter your Amazon credentials into their computer, which is a very, very bad idea, but I’m not 100% sure what was going on. I told you to go home and buy it using your computer, because I was trying to help you not have more bad things happen to you.
When you got home, you were unable to find the battery despite having already been told how to search for it, so I sent you a direct link (twice). Then you called me because you couldn’t figure out how to buy it and asked me to do it. Of course I said no, because the last thing I wanted was to know your Amazon credentials, especially given that you had possibly already revealed them to perfect strangers and given your predilection for conspiracies involving you being robbed by family members. Instead, I held your hand and walked you through the process, ensuring that you made certain to have the shipping address set to where you are now living.
Now, why have I written all of this out in painstaking detail? Simply to say, I did all of this for you and was prepared to drive to Conyers if need be to help you. Not for thanks or anything else. In fact, I don’t recall you ever thanking me. You mentioned in your blog that I helped you. You did not thank me in your blog. Again, I don’t expect it, so it’s fine, keep it, but let's not pretend that you were admonished for doing something that 1) you didn’t do and 2) no one would admonish you for doing.
You were not being put out and you were excited to go. You needed a change and thought Courtney’s or Texas would be good. You just got mad when I told Marcie the truth. That’s all water under the bridge now. You have the right to be mad and write it say whatever you want but you also have to remember consequences come with that and more than once you’ve had to reach out to the very people you’ve written mean things about. You were warned about burning bridges but apparently you think that can’t happen with your family because we love you. You keep telling us it’s your brain damage but the truth is the brain injury affected your memory, your sleep and your interest in doing things and also brought on episodes of depression. It didn’t make you insane! Now you act like you’re insane. For the love of gods pull yourself together before you torch your last bridge and have no one to even reach out to. Sometimes even family has their limit and can’t take anymore. You might not want peace but the rest of us do. I don’t believe you’ll be happy no matter where you are so there’s a really good project for to work on. Try to learn to be happy
David, why do you insist on writing like this. I put up with your insults for almost 6 months but have still tried to be helpful to you. I got all your winter clothes together for Kirsten ( who you call a fence sitter) to bring to you. How can you expect anyone in this family to want to live in the same house with you? You’ve called us Stygian witches, slutty ass and told outright lies. You have stated you feel entitled to your angry outbursts and insults because your brain damaged and even though your “medicine” contributes to your rage you don’t care because it makes you feel good. Then please just feel good and stop the meanness. We all want to be able to assist you to some degree when you need it but when you get like this it’s hard. You left here of your own accord then you left Borger of your own accord and from day one you’ve been angry because you left and things got worse. You thought going to courtney’s would be great but it got even worse. That’s why you’re where you are now. No I can’t live under the same roof with you and I’m happy you have a good place to live now. How you live is up to you. Paige isn’t the reason you can’t come back here. If you had just left from here without pitching that unnecessary fit and then left Andy’s peacefully you would have this whole family on your side. Even when you left here after screaming FU to me we all were working to get you safely to Texas. You have consistently torn down the relationships with you. Paige has done nothing but respond in kind to things you write but she is the one who sent you the chair and she’s the one who got the bag and some of the clothes for Byron. Please try to be grateful for some of the things you have. Look around. Would you be better off if you had Byron, Richard or Jeff’s life? At least you have family that has tried to help while you were being peaceful. Why do you want to mess that up?
Surviving a TBI survivor is difficult. I have been trying and was essentially admonished for giving thanks to the likes of Kirsten and Mitch. I was admonished for giving thanks! When one has a condition that can create unneeded anger in him that would not be the way to play him. I will write what I write, as any person will say what he says. Brain damaged people say and write some fucked up things, especially if they are grasping towards those things in hopes that those things could show him a way to operate better. I do not believe that I ever told an outright lie at all in here, but I recall the subject coming up in a way that made me sore. I believe you know this. For what it's worth; I did feel like I was being put out about the time I went to Courtney's. You argued later that I was not being put out. I did sincerely feel that way at least, so I would think the signs of an extreme move by me would have been visible to anyone paying enough attention. However much enough is, is what it would have taken.
You’re being dishonest. No one admonished you for thanking anyone. What I did was point out that you care far more about your precious words than you do about repairing relationships, as you claimed to have tried to do.
WRT you thanking me, I didn’t ask for anything. I advised you that you should not splice wires using electrical tape, because 1) lithium ion batteries are very dangerous when angered 2) your bike has a 1200 watt motor which could mean a fire or a dead very expensive hub motor if you taped the wires together and 3) it's never ok to tape wires together.
The following morning you called me to tell me you sent a picture. I looked and it wasn’t showing the relevant issue other than the one broken red wire and a black wire of which I couldn’t tell the condition. Oh, and also the fact that you completely wrecked your battery's handle end. When I asked you if there was a connector on the opposite end of the battery, you, without hesitation, said no. I gave you advice, and explained to you that I was expecting a call for an appointment, gave the best advice I could given the circumstances, and then we ended the call.
While waiting for my appointment, I went on the internet and found your battery for sale at two places, though one was out of stock. I also spent a lot of time searching Aliexpress. I then spent a couple of hours searching for information and watching videos by owners of that particular bike and similar models until I found one that showed the opposite end of the battery. And you’ll never guess what was there. The connector that you point blank said did not exist because you apparently couldn’t be bothered to look.
Despite the fact that you couldn’t be assed to help me help you, I called you that evening after I was done with my truck repairs and told you I would drive down there with my tools and try to fix your battery, since I was at that point certain that the wire or wires which you had broken were related only to charging the bike and therefore would not carry particularly high current. You said you were going to BatteriesPlus so I agreed to wait and see how that went, and I told you that if they could repair the wires then it should be possible to install the broken battery safely, so long as you didn’t try removing it again.
The following day, you called me from BatteriesPlus because they wouldn’t attempt the repair and they couldn’t find the battery. I told you or they heard on speaker, I’m not sure which, the model to search and the phrase to Google to find the battery, which they appeared to do. I assume they found it using their computer, and it sounded to me over the phone as if you were trying to enter your Amazon credentials into their computer, which is a very, very bad idea, but I’m not 100% sure what was going on. I told you to go home and buy it using your computer, because I was trying to help you not have more bad things happen to you.
When you got home, you were unable to find the battery despite having already been told how to search for it, so I sent you a direct link (twice). Then you called me because you couldn’t figure out how to buy it and asked me to do it. Of course I said no, because the last thing I wanted was to know your Amazon credentials, especially given that you had possibly already revealed them to perfect strangers and given your predilection for conspiracies involving you being robbed by family members. Instead, I held your hand and walked you through the process, ensuring that you made certain to have the shipping address set to where you are now living.
Now, why have I written all of this out in painstaking detail? Simply to say, I did all of this for you and was prepared to drive to Conyers if need be to help you. Not for thanks or anything else. In fact, I don’t recall you ever thanking me. You mentioned in your blog that I helped you. You did not thank me in your blog. Again, I don’t expect it, so it’s fine, keep it, but let's not pretend that you were admonished for doing something that 1) you didn’t do and 2) no one would admonish you for doing.