It took some doing, but I am scheduled for a video therapist at 1pm Monday. Doing this required an address that I know and might not change. I used 4344 Reef but have texted Kirsten that I would like to use her address, whatever that is, for all future disability needs. I made it imperative that KIRSTEN see to it that mail with my name on it is given to her. I can not trust that future obstacles would not be intentionally created in ways that I believe to have experienced.
I have opened most conversation to family. Most. Nothing has been done with that other than Bootsie sending me a link about strange Costa Rican spheres of rock. This lack of communication could be due to my combative behavior, but I don't currently think that's why. I think too much may have been done TO me for many to move forward in a healthy way, mentally or perhaps even physically. I do not bother hoping for ailment of anyone as I will keep attention on myself and some for this autistic young man that I live with.
My damaged brain is easy to boggle, but lack of communication has always boggled my mind to a high and sometimes infuriating degree. The bottom line on that is that I am now responsible for most things that could happen through my recovery. That could and probably should make me angry. I have always known anger to be a motivator to use. Comically, anger has been taken from me, by family, as a tool I could use in my communications here; the venue that all agreed I should use. How funny is that?
I have expressed to Jeff here that my intention is to move to Branson Walk. Jeff wouldn't live with Byron again but, somehow, believes this 1 year old pit needs attention. Jeff also has some, stated checkered criminal history from 35 years ago, so my intention is to look for a 1 bedroom at Branson. I would take Byron if possible. Byron is a stray dog. Byron's mind does make it possible for me to do aquire things like set up a Microsoft One Drive and keep better digital storage for required documents. Things like that are just the kind of technical help that many in my family could have lined me up for years ago. No one did, that I recall. My password book did not reflect that anyone had.
In whatever interim, I have enough money and income to get through my current status in a healthy way. I will do what I might can to help the disabled around me, as whatever god there might be should appreciate. If Carrolton steps up first, I will take the convenience to government advocacy that apartment would give good access to. Not to mention, I would have a sister near there with a good tendency for doing helpful things. I am not focusing all of my residential needs on one place. I will take the first option available. Suffice to say that those options would be better than Borger. The offended part of me must say that.
I have not heard again of any concrete plans to get my belongings from Courtney’s to me. All shared homes have driven in the point that I should have no expectations from any person. When it comes right down to it, I do expect my belongings be returned to me and I expect one that has offered good assistance to follow through.
Most everything to me is surprisingly difficult…for me. But this stuff doesn't look difficult and I have offered a bribe of $100. Things here are heavy. Jeff has $6, with 1650 coming on the 4th. His Chime account was hit for $1000. I shared with him and Karen my story of attaining my bank records. He will get a brick and morter on the 3rd. These stories require me to share the best TV theme song of all time. But the instrumental at 3:17on these Heads is brilliant in what seems to be a song that I can relate to. Byron, Jeff and to a small extent Karen are currently my family. The elder statesman of the 2 dogs does a reasonable job. The best TV theme song of all time very appropriately follows.